Committees - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange


Broker Advisory Committee

The Broker Advisory Committee recognizes brokers for their crucial role in guiding individuals and businesses through the complex world of health insurance. Our committee embodies a spirit of collaboration, aiming to leverage brokers’ insights, ideas, and suggestions to enhance our operations and improve the overall experience for our customers. As committee members, brokers will actively contribute to shaping MHBE’s programs and services, providing feedback, collaborating with industry leaders, and acting as advocates for consumers’ interests. The committee’s purpose is to provide technical and operational advice, ensuring that the implemented solutions align with partner expectations.

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Standing Advisory Committee

The Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) serves a consultative role and functions as an advisory group to the MHBE’s Board of Trustees. The SAC member’s primary role is to serve as an advisory expert in his or her capacity relative to the health insurance and health care domain. SAC members are appointed by the Board in consultation with MHBE staff for a term of no more than three years in a manner that provides continuity and rotation. The SAC meets approximately 4 times each year.

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Plan Management Stakeholder Committee

The Plan Management Stakeholder Committee was established to replace the Implementation Advisory Committee as a forum for the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) to engage with industry partners to discuss and receive advice on matters pertaining to the implementation of key plan management, operational and technical integration points between the MHBE, authorized issuers of health plans and stand-alone dental plans and small business administrators.

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Small Business Programs Advisory Committee

The Small Business Programs Advisory Committee (SBPAC) was established to reinstate the advisory forum for the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) to engage with industry partners to discuss and receive advice on matters pertaining to the implementation of key small business plan management, operational and technical integration points between the MHBE, authorized issuers of health plans and stand-alone dental plans and small business administrators. 

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