Plan Management Stakeholder Committee - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange

Plan Management Stakeholder Committee

Implementation of Key Plan Management

The Plan Management Stakeholder Committee was established to replace the Implementation Advisory Committee as a forum for the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) to engage with industry partners to discuss and receive advice on matters pertaining to the implementation of key plan management, operational and technical integration points between the MHBE, authorized issuers of health plans and stand-alone dental plans and small business administrators. Members are representatives from issuers and small business administrators; select seats are reserved for other industry stakeholders. All committee meetings are open to the public. Each meeting concludes with a period for public comment in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. The Plan Management Stakeholder Committee is not a policy-making body.

Apply to be a Member of the Plan Management Stakeholder Committee

Meetings will recur on the first Thursday of every other month, unless notified otherwise. The PMSC governing charter is also available with this application posting.

Plan Management Stakeholder Committee Member Application


MHBE Plan Management Stakeholder Committee Charter


PMSC Members and Stakeholders


Plan Management Stakeholder Committee Meeting Documents

Plan Management Stakeholder Committee

Implementation of Key Plan Management

The Plan Management Stakeholder Committee was established to replace the Implementation Advisory Committee as a forum for the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) to engage with industry partners to discuss and receive advice on matters pertaining to the implementation of key plan management, operational and technical integration points between the MHBE, authorized issuers of health plans and stand-alone dental plans and small business administrators. Members are representatives from issuers and small business administrators; select seats are reserved for other industry stakeholders. All committee meetings are open to the public. Each meeting concludes with a period for public comment in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. The Plan Management Stakeholder Committee is not a policy-making body.

Apply to be a Member of the Plan Management Stakeholder Committee

Meetings will recur on the first Thursday of every other month, unless notified otherwise. The PMSC governing charter is also available with this application posting.

Plan Management Stakeholder Committee Member Application
Plan Management Stakeholder Committee Member Application
Plan Management Stakeholder Committee Member Application

Plan Management Stakeholder Committee Meeting Documents